Since launching in February 2024, we've received a ton of great feedback from our users and have rapidly iterated to improve the product and keep up with the fast growth of Row Zero. We've launched a flurry of new features over the last few weeks to kickoff 2025. Here's a roundup of some of the latest features added:
- Remove duplicates
- Version history
- Shared data sources
- Conditional formatting
- Graph formatting
- New account home
- Subtotal
Remove Duplicates
The new built-in remove duplicates feature makes it easy to remove duplicate values in your spreadsheet. Here's how:
- Select the range of cells you would like to remove duplicates from and go to Data, Remove duplicates or click the icon in the formatting header
- Select the column(s) that you want to remove duplicates from. If you select mutliple columns, it will only remove duplicate rows that have duplicate values in each of the columns selected.
- Click Apply and all matching duplicate rows will be deleted from the sheet
Version history
Row Zero autosaves your spreadsheet at each revision which you can now access with Version History by going to File, Version history. This can be a lifesaver if you accidently screw something up or your spreadsheet gets a bit too collaborative. You can also name specific versions as snapshots so you can easily access them later. Spreadsheet snapshots can be very helpful when working with dynamic data and scheduled data refresh. It allows you to go back in time and snapshot a specific state in your spreadsheet. For example, you can name a month end snapshot of a report or dashboard and then go back and navigate to past months with ease.
Note: The version history feature is only available on paid plans (Pro, Business, Enterprise). However, free spreadsheets are autosaved, so if you need to access a past version of a free spreadsheet, you can upgrade to Pro or Business to access past versions.
Shared Data Sources
The new Data Sources feature lets data teams share queries with teammates as dynamic data sources that can be refreshed or scheduled to update automatically. This is an easy way to give less technical users one-click access to live updating data and makes it easy to get teams using governed "source of truth" datasets. Note: The Data Sources feature is only available on Business or Enterprise plans.
Conditional Formatting
Conditional formatting can be applied to cell ranges or columns in data tables by clicking the conditional formatting icon in the menu. Conditional formatting can be applied in two ways:
- By Color Scale: Click on a color scale to automatically apply the color scale to the selection based on the min and max of the specified range.
- By Value: Click New rule to apply a new conditional formatting rule by value
You have several options for setting the Condition for applying the formatting:
- Empty
- Not Empty
- Greater than
- Greater than or equal to
- Less than
- Less than or equal to
- Equal to
- Not equal to
- Between
- Not Between
- Text contains
- Text does not contain
- Text starts with
- Text ends with
- Text equals
- Date equals
- Date before
- Date after
- Date between
- Unique
- Duplicate
- Custom Formula
Once you've set your condition, you can select the format to apply when cell values meet your condition and this is automatically applied to the selection as you select the formatting.
Graph Formatting
The X and Y axes on charts now apply the formatting of the underlying data (e.g. $, %, etc.) and you can change the font size of chart labels.
New Account Home
The new account Home is your new homebase to navigate your workbooks and data sources with quick links to create new workbooks, view documentation, and contact support.
We added the SUBTOTAL function along with a few others. You can view all built-in spreadsheet functions here.
Share Feedback!
As always, we appreciate and welcome all feedback and are happy to troubleshoot any issues you are having in your workbooks. At any time you can click the lightbulb icon in the top right of a workbook to ask for help or share feedback and can also contact us.