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Easily open large files in a spreadsheet with Row Zero

  • Work with billion row spreadsheets (1000x Excel’s limits)
  • Open and edit massive multi-GB files: CSV, TXT, etc.
  • Open large file formats like Parquet files
  • Automatically open compressed files like .gz
  • Open JSONL files directly in a spreadsheet
  • Import/Export directly from your database, data lake, or data warehouse (Postgres, Snowflake, S3, etc.)
  • Big data alternative to Excel and Google Sheets
open very big file online in spreadsheet

The Best Spreadsheet for Big Data.

1000x Faster. 1 Billion+ Rows.

Row Zero is a next-gen spreadsheet built for big data. Row Zero is similar to Excel and Google Sheets, but powers billion row spreadsheets (1,000x Excel's limits). You can import large datasets directly from your data source or you can upload massive files across a variety of formats. Row Zero makes big data accessible to anyone in a powerful spreadsheet that's simple to use.

Open and Edit Massive Files.

Row Zero makes it easy to open and edit huge files too big for Excel. With Row Zero, anyone can open a large file online in the comfort of a spreadsheet. You can also use Row Zero to convert different file types to CSV or view and edit a variety of file types before importing to Postgres or your data warehouse. Row Zero supports export to CSV, Postgres, Snowflake, and Databricks.

Open giant CSV and TXT files

Row Zero makes it easy to open large CSV files, work with big txt files, or open any large flat file in a tabular format. You can easily edit big CSVs and import CSV to Postgres, Snowflake, or Databricks. Working with large TSV files is just as easy.

Open and edit parquet files

Row Zero makes it simple to open parquet files online in a spreadsheet. Once imported, you can easily view, edit, and analyze parquet files. You can also import parquet to Postgres or Snowflake, or convert parquet to CSV to open in Excel.

Connect to all of your data

Row Zero lets you import data from files, URL, or Amazon S3. You can also securely connect to Postgres, Snowflake, Databricks, and Redshift to sync your spreadsheets to your data sources. Everything you build on top of connected data stays in sync and can be automatically updated. This lets you build auto-updating pivot tables, charts, dashboards, and workflows.

Big data alternative to Excel

It can be a challenge to open big files in Excel or Google Sheets since both have strict data limits (~ 1M rows in Excel and 10M cells in Google Sheets). Row Zero works like Excel and is specifically engineered for big data, so it's easy to open files more than 1 million rows. In fact, Row Zero supports billion row spreadsheets and is the best Excel replacement and Google Sheets alternative for big data. If you have an Excel file too big to open, Row Zero is your best choice.

Open compressed files automatically

It can be a challenge to work with compressed file formats, especially when the decompressed file is very large. Row Zero will automatically unzip and open .gz files and .zip files online in a spreadsheet. This lets you leverage the storage and transfer benefits of .gz files while having an easy solution for opening and editing.

Publish large datasets

Row Zero makes it easy to publish large files and datasets. You can share publicly, with specific users, or within an organization. Accessing published datasets is as simple as clicking a link. When data is shared publicly, viewers do not need to login to view the spreadsheet. This makes Row Zero the best way to share public data sets, publish research data, or comply with open data records requirements.

Ready to open big files?

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