Shared Data Sources

The Data Sources feature lets data teams share queries with teammates as dynamic data sources that can be refreshed or scheduled to update automatically. This is an easy way to give less technical users one-click access to live updating data and makes it easy to get teams using governed "source of truth" datasets.

How to share queries as data sources

  1. Connect to your data source. Here are instructions for connecting to Postgres, Snowflake, Databricks, and Redshift. Note, we do not yet support Shared Data Sources for oAuth connections.
  2. Write your query and click Run. Your data will import into your workbook as a connected table. connect spreadsheet to postgres database
  3. When ready to share, click the three dots in the top right of the window and select Publish as data source. publish query as data source
  4. Enter a Name and Description and click Next. enter details for data sources
  5. Add users to share the data source with and click Publish. invite users to shared data source
  6. The Data Source will now be accessible to both you as the owner and to all users you share it with. Data sources can be accessed in two places:
    • Access in any workbook by clicking the Data icon in the top right of the workbook and then selecting Data sources access data source in spreadsheet

    • Access in your Account Home under Shared data sources or by clicking Data in the left sidebar. access shared data sources in account

  7. Click on the data source tile to create a new workbook from that data source create new spreadsheet from dynamic data source
  8. The new workbook will contain a connected table that is a live connection to the data source. spreadsheet connected to data source
  9. Click Refresh table to update with the latest data or click View settings to schedule automated data refresh. schedule automated data updates in sheet

Note: This features is only available on Business and Enterprise plans. If you'd like a demo of the Data Sources feature, you can schedule a demo here.

Using query variables in data sources

When creating a Data Source, you can optionally create query variables to make it easier to filter data before importing to your sheet. Here's how:

  1. When creating your data source, click + Create variable. Select your variable type, optionally assign a default value, name your variable, and click Create. create query variable for data sources in spreadsheet
  2. Write your SQL query and assign the query variable to the name of the column you want to query. Hit Run. If it runs successfully, click the three dot icon and select Publish as a data source. incorporate query variable into SQL for data sources in spreadsheet
  3. When you create a new workbook from this data source, you'll be asked to input a value for the query varible and then hit Run query. create spreadsheet from data source with query variable
  4. A new workbook will be created from the data source, filtered based on the query variable. create spreadsheet with query variable
  5. At any time, you can change the value for the query variable and Refresh table to filter your dataset to the updated query variable value. edit spreadsheet by changing query variable

Need help?: If you need help setting up Data Sources or have feedback, please contact us.